The following are links to various schools, organizations and individuals with whom I have worked or had contact with over the years. All of them are doing excellent work, and spreading a wealth of Torah and spirituality online and throughout the world.
Jewish Spirituality FB page - An easy way to keep in touch and keep updated of my various projects, publications, teaching schedule, etc.
Rabbi's Resource - This is a project I started, which offers a wide variety of services for Rabbis, teachers of Jewish studies, researchers, students or anyone who has to present words of Torah in public.
Petach Libenu - A blog I write devoted to the topic of finding meaning, spirituality and emotion in Torah study. It's based on several courses I have offered at Michlalah Jerusalem, and features short videos of my students presenting their ideas and experiences regarding the topic. (Videos are in Hebrew).
Storytelling as an Educational Tool - another blog of mine, based on another course I taught, on storytelling and education. I plan on posting here stories told by both myself and my students.
La Cocina de Debbie - My wife's kosher cooking blog! In Spanish, but great recipes.
Rothberg International School - The Rothberg School is the English language division of Hebrew University, for overseas students. I have been teaching on this program for about five years. There is a wonderful assortment of courses in Middle-East studies, political science, and, of course, Jewish Studies. The students are outstanding!
TorahLab - A project of R. Yaacov Haber. R. Haber is a creative and dynamic teacher of Torah, who has worked in Jewish Outreach for thirty years. I worked with R. Haber for several years on the Orthodox Union's Pardes Project. You can read more about the Pardes Project, and download sample issues, by clicking here: Pardes Project.
A Still Small Voice - The website of Ms. Sarah Yehudit Schneider - one of the most knowledgeable and creative women teachers of hasidism and kabbalah in the world today. She is a prolific writer, who has published several important works on themes in Jewish mysticism. For over two years, I wrote the holiday supplement for her correspondance course in Jewish Wisdom.
The David Cardozo Academy - Founded by R. Nathan Lopes Cardozo, one of the most creative and thought-provoking philosophers in Judaism today. I have offered lectures and mini-courses on his program for several years.
The Baal Shem Tov Foundation - Perhaps the most comprehensive sites on the web for material concerning the founder of Hasidism, R. Israel Baal Shem Tov. For several years, I translated and annotated the famous compendium of the Baal Shem Tov's teachings, Sefer Ha-Baal Shem Tov al ha-Torah. These translations are available on this site, as well as in a published volume entitled Heart of Prayer: A Treatise On Chassidic Prayer.
Midreshet B'erot Bat Ayin - A unique woman's seminary on the Bat Ayin Yishuv, outside Jerusalem, in Gush Etzion. They offer a creative, spiritual and holistic approach to Torah study, with classes in Tanach, hasidism, prayer, R. Kook, song, movement, Jewish meditation, health, nutrition, and much else. I taught a weekly class on this program for two years.
Sh'ma Journal - Sh'ma is a journal that offers thought-provoking articles on topics related to Judaism by a variety of writers. I have published articles there. (See the "Writings" page to download.)
Ahavat Shalom Institute - Founded in 1972 by the scholar and kabbalist, Rabbi Yaakov Hillel,shlit”a, the institute contains one of the preeminent yeshivot in Jerusalem for the study of Talmud and Kabbalah. Its publishing house has printed hundreds of important works. R. Hillel is considered one of the greatest scholars of Kabbalah today, and is a prolific writer and teacher. He is the great-grandson of Hacham Avraham Moshe Hillel, who served as Av Beit Din and Chief Rabbi of Baghdad in the time of the Ben Ish Hai. I have had a connection with R. Hillel for over twenty years, and have translated many of his discourses, as well as several of the institute’s books.
Arthur Kurzweil is an old friend of mine, with whom I have worked in writing and publishing. He is a noted author, teacher, publisher and genealogist. He is a close disciple of R. Adin Steinsaltz, one of the great thinkers of our time.
Parabola Journal - Parabola is a high-quality publication devoted to the dissemination and exploration of materials relating to the myths, symbols, rituals, and art of the world's religious and cultural traditions. Over the years, I have published many articles on Judaism in this fine journal.
LinkedIn - A link to my LinkedIn page.
La Cocina de Debbie - Last, but certainly not least, my wife's blog, where she teaches delicious, kosher cooking online (in Spanish).
Jewish Spirituality FB page - An easy way to keep in touch and keep updated of my various projects, publications, teaching schedule, etc.
Rabbi's Resource - This is a project I started, which offers a wide variety of services for Rabbis, teachers of Jewish studies, researchers, students or anyone who has to present words of Torah in public.
Petach Libenu - A blog I write devoted to the topic of finding meaning, spirituality and emotion in Torah study. It's based on several courses I have offered at Michlalah Jerusalem, and features short videos of my students presenting their ideas and experiences regarding the topic. (Videos are in Hebrew).
Storytelling as an Educational Tool - another blog of mine, based on another course I taught, on storytelling and education. I plan on posting here stories told by both myself and my students.
La Cocina de Debbie - My wife's kosher cooking blog! In Spanish, but great recipes.
Rothberg International School - The Rothberg School is the English language division of Hebrew University, for overseas students. I have been teaching on this program for about five years. There is a wonderful assortment of courses in Middle-East studies, political science, and, of course, Jewish Studies. The students are outstanding!
TorahLab - A project of R. Yaacov Haber. R. Haber is a creative and dynamic teacher of Torah, who has worked in Jewish Outreach for thirty years. I worked with R. Haber for several years on the Orthodox Union's Pardes Project. You can read more about the Pardes Project, and download sample issues, by clicking here: Pardes Project.
A Still Small Voice - The website of Ms. Sarah Yehudit Schneider - one of the most knowledgeable and creative women teachers of hasidism and kabbalah in the world today. She is a prolific writer, who has published several important works on themes in Jewish mysticism. For over two years, I wrote the holiday supplement for her correspondance course in Jewish Wisdom.
The David Cardozo Academy - Founded by R. Nathan Lopes Cardozo, one of the most creative and thought-provoking philosophers in Judaism today. I have offered lectures and mini-courses on his program for several years.
The Baal Shem Tov Foundation - Perhaps the most comprehensive sites on the web for material concerning the founder of Hasidism, R. Israel Baal Shem Tov. For several years, I translated and annotated the famous compendium of the Baal Shem Tov's teachings, Sefer Ha-Baal Shem Tov al ha-Torah. These translations are available on this site, as well as in a published volume entitled Heart of Prayer: A Treatise On Chassidic Prayer.
Midreshet B'erot Bat Ayin - A unique woman's seminary on the Bat Ayin Yishuv, outside Jerusalem, in Gush Etzion. They offer a creative, spiritual and holistic approach to Torah study, with classes in Tanach, hasidism, prayer, R. Kook, song, movement, Jewish meditation, health, nutrition, and much else. I taught a weekly class on this program for two years.
Sh'ma Journal - Sh'ma is a journal that offers thought-provoking articles on topics related to Judaism by a variety of writers. I have published articles there. (See the "Writings" page to download.)
Ahavat Shalom Institute - Founded in 1972 by the scholar and kabbalist, Rabbi Yaakov Hillel,shlit”a, the institute contains one of the preeminent yeshivot in Jerusalem for the study of Talmud and Kabbalah. Its publishing house has printed hundreds of important works. R. Hillel is considered one of the greatest scholars of Kabbalah today, and is a prolific writer and teacher. He is the great-grandson of Hacham Avraham Moshe Hillel, who served as Av Beit Din and Chief Rabbi of Baghdad in the time of the Ben Ish Hai. I have had a connection with R. Hillel for over twenty years, and have translated many of his discourses, as well as several of the institute’s books.
Arthur Kurzweil is an old friend of mine, with whom I have worked in writing and publishing. He is a noted author, teacher, publisher and genealogist. He is a close disciple of R. Adin Steinsaltz, one of the great thinkers of our time.
Parabola Journal - Parabola is a high-quality publication devoted to the dissemination and exploration of materials relating to the myths, symbols, rituals, and art of the world's religious and cultural traditions. Over the years, I have published many articles on Judaism in this fine journal.
LinkedIn - A link to my LinkedIn page.
La Cocina de Debbie - Last, but certainly not least, my wife's blog, where she teaches delicious, kosher cooking online (in Spanish).